You're Not Alone Living with BPD
One of the hardest feelings to live with as someone with Borderline Personality Disorder, is the feeling that no one understands you, that you are different from the rest of the world somehow and that your feelings aren't "normal."
I'm here to tell you, you're not alone.
Borderline Personality Disorder affects between 1.6% & 6% of the United States population. Almost 3/4 of those affected are women. Even at 1.6%, that is still roughly 5 and million people. At 6% that's over 20 million people suffering from a disorder that our heath care systems often times refuse to even acknowledge as a diagnoses.
“BPD effects 1.6% to 6% of the Unites States Population. That's 5.5 to 20 MILLION people.
Roughly 1.6% of the population is actually diagnosed with #BPD. However, it's likely that the number is closer to 6% and just hasn't been diagnosed, for multiple reasons. BPD is commonly misdiagnosed as depression, bi-polar disorder, and PTSD, especially in males. There for the diagnosed population is roughly 75% females.
Another reason the number of cases is lower than it seems to actually be is due to our mental health care systems lack of knowledge about the disorder.
You Can Beat BPD!
In a 10 year study, researchers have found that with the right treatment, 85% - 93% of Borderline's achieved remission to a no longer diagnosable level. That's not to say that they don't still struggle with mental health problems, as it takes 5 or more symptoms to be/remain diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. If an individual has 4 of the symptoms, they aren't classified as a borderline anymore, however would still need treatment for the remaining symptoms. It just goes to show that the symptoms can be overcome. Some are just harder than others, and this can very from person to person.
Emotional Regulation does tend to be the hardest one to over come as our emotional responses are a subconscious, programmed reaction. The longer we live with them a certain way, the harder it is to retrain the brain to react another way.
The Amygdala is the part of the bran responsible for emotional reaction and regulation. Studies have shown a higher activation of the amygdala in borderlines with exposed to negative stimuli.
Support for Borderlines
I recommend looking into local support groups for Borderline Personality Disorder. Along with personal therapy, group therapy can be highly beneficial as it connects you with others that think and feel the same way you do. One of the most healing feelings I've felt is when I learned that I'm not alone in this.
If there is not a group available in your area, a close alternative would be finding one online. There are an abundance of them through social media, etc. that you can join. Just be mindful when selecting one (or more) as you want to make sure you are connecting with people that will be beneficial to your recovery.
Group Therapy, in person or online, is a wonderful tool to connect you with others that think and feel the way you do.
Thank you for sharing your time with me today.
-Borderline Brooke